
Hi there!

If you’re reading this, then you were curious about the author of this little blog in the darkened corner of the internet, or you clicked the “About” link by mistake (which is probably what happened, but that’s okay.) Either way, you’re here!

Me! March 2017

My name is Ashley, and I’m from the often chilly but always beautiful Massachusetts. I’m a full-time paralegal and a Notary Public for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts with a Bachelor’s Degree in Paralegal Studies. I’m also a former-redhead (faux redhead, but don’t tell! “Legally Brunette” didn’t have the same ring to it,) hence the blog title. I’m going through a dirty-blonde phase right now.

When I’m not working, I’m a self-proclaimed horror fanatic (horror movies, television, books, video games- you name it. If it’s scary/gory/supernatural/just plain creepy, I love it.) who loves to travel, spend time outdoors, cook and take pictures. I love urban exploration (the researching, exploration and photographing of abandoned man-made structures, i.e.- abandoned houses, schools, hospitals, etc.) and spending time with my unbelievably amazing friends, my equally amazing family, and spoiling my miniature schnauzer (and pride & joy)– Oliver.

I also enjoy comic-conventions, and often cosplay different characters from my favorite fandoms when I attend- particularly “The Walking Dead”, the Marvel universe, and the “Resident Evil” video game franchise. If you ever see me at a convention- do come say hello!

I love meeting new people, going to new places, and trying new things. I’m drawn to those who have substance, a passion for life, and who enjoy spontaneous adventures as much as I do.

Ever since my early teens, I was an avid blogger- chronicling my days at school and weekends riding bikes and watching movies with friends on sites like AOL Hometown and LiveJournal. What started off as a hobby to jot down my memories turned into a fun, part-time way to connect with people around the world with similar interests, or with people who were going through similar experiences. As I grew older, my writing, often embarrassing  in the typical late teens and very early twenties sort of way- as I divulged my crushes on boys and shared my then-terrible fashion sense- took up residence on MySpace and an old, now purged Blogspot address, before I finally found a home at my last blog, “The Girl with the Curls,” named for my naturally unruly, curly hair.

My beloved Oliver!

During the four years I spent blogging on TGwtC, I shared my travels, concert highlights, my nights out at clubs and at local comedy shows, my innermost thoughts as I grew up, movie reviews, fashion and cosmetics commentary, commentary on the world around me in general, and random stuff from the internet that I thought was funny. The blog was therapeutic in a way, as writing as always been a catharsis for me. When I first started it in 2009, I was a full-time consultant for Clinique Cosmetics. I was usually broke, and therefore usually miserable because of that reason. By the time I wrapped up writing for the blog at the end of 2012, I had blossomed into the self-sufficient, (sometimes) professional I am today- with a career I love and am thankful for every single day I go to work, and with a college degree I had motivated myself to return to university to obtain.

So why the change to “Legally Redhead?” With a new year (I started this blog in January of 2013), I decided it was time for a fresh start. I wanted to take a new direction with my blogging to better reflect the person I’ve become.

This blog is going to be a little bit of everything: Fashion, food, fitness, beauty, travel, music, movies, and random junk.


I love taking pictures, but I do not consider myself a professional photographer.

I am all about healthy food and vigorous exercise, but I do not consider myself a personal trainer or a fitness guru.

I love fashion, and I love taking pictures of my better ensembles, but I do not consider myself a professional model.

I occasionally act in small indie productions, usually shot locally, but I do not consider myself a professional actress.

And I love to experiment with food and recipes, but I do not consider myself a professional cook or chef.

I’m also not Princess Mérida from the movie “Brave”. The similarities are purely coincidental.

I’m simply Ashley.

And I hope you all enjoy this blog as much as I’ll enjoy writing it!


– Ashley –



(x 4!)



– Page Last Updated: 03/25/2017 –

9 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello Ashley!

    I’m very happy I searched for “Halloween” tags on here, because your blog is right up my alley!

    Your writing is excellent, your “about” page is engaging, and it’s always a pleasure to meet another horror movie fanatic. I couldn’t hit the “follow” button quick enough!

    Keep up the great work!

    • Hey Andrew!

      Thank you so much for the follow and for the kind words. It’s always a pleasure to meet someone who shares similar interests. I followed you back!

      – Ashley

  2. Love your hair girl! && Your blog posts/photography!! I’m your 200th follower ❤ Congrats! Glad to be on board with you ❤ Come have a look at my blog when you have time!

    Miz Lulu

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